Schwinn created the ultimate exercise machine, when they put the Schwinn Airdyne Exercise bike on the market in the late 1970's. It has since become the most common form of fitness as far as exercise bikes. The Airdyne has no resistance parts, and gets all its resistance from air.
These bikes have been around since the late 70's and since that time replacement parts have remained basically the same. They still use wedge pins in the crank arms, and a two crank system with a left and right eccentric arm. The grips have remained the same as well as the connecting arms, pivot bolts and lever arms.
We carry all the airdyne parts you will need to maintain and fix your Schwinn model AD-2, and AD-6 Airdyne Exerciser. Since 2014 They have come out with several newer models, the AD-6, the Airdyne 2 and AD Pro all of which we carry parts for.
We not only carry repair items for exercisers but we know how to fix them and have available the nuts, lockwashers and oilite bearings, and chains you will need when you repair your equipment. Please feel free to call us at +1 (410) 859-3538
Bowflex Motivator and also the Bowflex Motivator 2 is for home use yet its simple design inspires users to get at it and become fit in the comfort of their home. The high tech process used by Bowflex to create resistance replaces weights and dumbbells with Power Rods. These rods save space and create a user friendly machine that begs to be used
These Bowflex grips are not only for the Bowflex Revolution but they also fit the Blaze, Xtreme and any model using power rod resistance technology.